New events & outcomes

Hello, wonderful person! Since we have our first Communicator, even though they will need some guidance, this makes it easier for me to run events. I was looking at Discord’s own resources for building community on their platform (eg1, eg2), and their videos helped me remember important things like paying attention to what community members

New events & outcomes Read More »

community teamwork communication understanding weallunite moderator moderation moderating discord server chat nonviolent communication marshall rosenberg clean communication

Communicator Onboarded!

Hello, wonderful person! Our first Communicator is ready! On Saturday morning, he showed his understanding and ability to use CNC (Core Needs Communication) effectively, for four of its fundamental skills Using Observations Expressing Pure Emotions Sharing Needs Making Effective Requests Now that he knows how to use these skills, he can do what our communicators

Communicator Onboarded! Read More »